Sunday 6 November 2011

Android Now Makes Up 43 Percent Of US Smartphone Market

According to research firm Neilsen, Google’s Android OS now accounts for 43 percent of the US smartphone market for quarter three of 2011, and increase from the 39 percent share in the second quarter.
Google AndroidApple’s iOS device are apparently in second place with a 28 percent share, around what it was in the previous quarter, whilst RIM’s BlackBerry has dropped down from 20 percent in quarter 2 to 18 percent in quarter three.

The report also says that Apple is still the top smartphone vendor in the US over all, in terms of total devices sold to date that run Apple’s iOS, although this may change in the future as we heard the other day thatHTC sold more smartphone than apple  for the same period.
Posted by: Vikash kumar

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